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Вопросы » Алгебра 7-9 классы + ГИА » Ещё 1 задание! make the sentences in passive voice and translate into passive.

Ещё 1 задание! make the sentences in passive voice and translate into passive.

создана: 05.03.2013 в 17:38



1) They offered tourists a free (бесплатный) sightseeing trip.

2) Mr Bown is dictating a letter to him secretery.

3) Mr Bailey was packing his cuitcase when his wife called.

4)They had signed the contract by the end of the month

 ( +3192 ) 
05.03.2013 18:57

У нас нет темы "Английский язык".

Пишите "Посетителям сайта".

Может кто и ответит. Другие задания перенесены в тему "Посетителям сайта".

Админ сайта.

 ( +685 ) 
05.03.2013 21:55

1) They offered tourists a free (бесплатный) sightseeing trip.

Tourists are offered a free sightseeing trip.

2) Mr Bown is dictating a letter to him secretary.

Secretary is dictated a letter by Mr Bown.

3) Mr Bailey was packing his suitcase when his wife called.

Suitcase was packed by Mr Bailey when his wife called.

4) They had signed the contract by the end of the month.

The contract was signed the end of the month.

Это было последнее задание, которое я для тебя сделала.
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06.03.2013 06:44

Спасибо вам большое!

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